“He who never gives can never expect to get”
According to Wikipedia, a leader is a person who has the capacity to take initiative, manage, summon, promote, encourage and evaluate a project in an efficient and effective way, whether this is a personal, directive or institutional (inside the managing process of the organization).
A leader, born? Or made?
Leading is not only referred to as groups. In fact, a great leader has learned first to lead him/herself. So if we long to have a healthy personal, work or familiar environment, it’s mandatory to develop the characteristics of a leader.
Parents, groups or company directors, people willing to lead their lives… I invite you to read and check the information you find below.
Being a leader is not the same as being a boss. The following points can help you to see the differences between one and the other.
Great leaders never…
- Wait for opportunities to come without doing anything. Leaders look for opportunities, find them and figure out where they are and above all, take advantages of them.
- Complicate things. Leaders make things easier. If things become more complicated they are no longer a leader.
- Impose. The need to impose is generated by the inability to create a commitment in others, and by the fear of what is not under their control.
- Punish nor forbid because, knowing that mistakes are educational to innovate and to improve values, abilities, and skills of all involved.
- Avoid experiences. By allowing mistakes everybody can learn.
- Force their way of doing things because if there is no commitment, there’s no enthusiasm nor creativity.
- Judge nor use demeaning adjectives.
- Have the need to control. Instead, leaders motivate so each and everyone finds their path, which benefits all the team.
- Look for recognition from the outside world; only by recognizing themselves, they learn and empowers their self-leadership.
- Harm. Leaders have learned to respond as a result of recognizing their internal values instead of reacting from the automatic ego.
- Do things for others that they can do by themselves. A leader teaches but do not interfere with the potential development of others nor create dependence.
- Assume, instead, they ask.
- Resist performing a task; any task is done with enthusiasm.
Great leaders always…
- Watch who needs them the most and who can use what they have. They are attentive because they know that in any given situation, at any moment, there is an opportunity.
- Are willing to serve. Willing to do what is necessary and never “abandon ship”.
- Set an example.
- Share values, respect, are grateful, hand out solutions.
- Have a well-defined purpose and are committed to following it.
- Are a compass that unites north with south, maintain the axis and through charisma and compromise, become an instrument of service.
- Are action-oriented. Leaders take the initiative and guide.
- Are creative and with the ability to innovate.
- Are perseverant.
- Manage great communication.
- Serve and compromise unconditionally.
- Commit and know how to generate commitment. Leaders are flexible in generating agreements and firm in their compliance.
- Show strength and generate a force of cohesion.
- Train in the use of serenity, the development of firmness, respect of others, commitment and in the assessment of what they have.
- Watch the skills of others, use them and put them in a path that unites them.
- Recognize they do not know and are open to learning.
- Transform fears into a driving force.
- Lead themselves and show something that others can recognize.
We always have the opportunity to lead our own lives. When we begin to show the qualities of a great leader, people start recognizing these changes and showing interest in how we do it. They begin to wonder and ask questions and, as a leader, we start communicating.
If we allow external factors to negatively influence our inner state, our ability to lead becomes clouded. A leader is exactly the opposite, someone who maintains an inner state capable of influencing the environment.
As long as we think that our inner state is dependent on the environment, we will always find blockages.