Which part are you presently nourishing?
We always have the choice to decide: wisdom or ego
Recipe for a big ego
Assault, Judge
Judge the behavior of others, and talk behind their backs, so that they do not realize. Find ways of being right. Always give solutions and advice to people around you and be offended and outraged if they do not follow your directions. Defend your position in favor of winning first place.
Only take actions that you like and give you satisfaction. Be especially careful with anything that poses any danger to you.
Show what you know and hope that everyone will agree and congratulate you.
Complain about everything that you have and the people around you.
Discard anything that you do not like, that you think you do not deserve, which is very little for you.
Judge all those that have, are and will harm you, those who have, are and will treat you badly, those that have no consideration for you. Be vengeful for everything they do to you.
Criticize, judge and condemn all beliefs, behaviors, and attitudes of those who don’t think like you.
Blame those around you, your country, the government, the planet, the entire universe and yourself for everything that’s wrong and that you feel.
Fight against the reality that surrounds you, try to change others and their experiences so that they resemble yours and be manageable by yourself.
Recipe to become a humble wise
Take Responsibility
Be grateful
Adapt to any situation or person facing you, always agreeing and yielding to his or her justifications. Overcome your need to be right. Simply respond to what people say without arguing, even without giving advice. He or she who yields wins in spiritual development and overcome his or her ego.
Always act giving the best of yourself, with total efficiency in every place and with every person with whom you correspond.
Trust the universe and transcend all fear that prevents you from taking whatever action is necessary to take.
Value making good use of everything that life has to offer.
Serve unconditionally wherever possible.
Be grateful to all situations and people that represent some kind of challenge or conflict for you understanding that these are opportunities to learn to disconnect your ego so as to let the energy of love flow through you.
Respect all that with which you’re not aligned, beliefs, behaviors, and attitudes different from yours. Respect all life and everything around you.
Take responsibility for your own results in life, your feelings, thoughts, understanding that you, yourself, have generated them.
Accept that everything that is happening around you and to you is neutral and perfect.