Magali Deschenes – Canada
Thank you for this powerful coaching experience, your deep listening skills, your positive attitude throughout and for your great explanations. I felt in good hands from the beginning of my journey with you. You are a great guide to a journey of self-discovery and your teachings were very valuable. Thanks for keeping me accountable and focused on the skills I had to develop and the words of wisdom. Throughout our session, I have truly understood the value of vulnerability, I have learned to seek the truth out of my interpretations, to better understand how our ego plays out and learned to speak with authenticity. Developing those skills has helped me to feel empowered in my life, energized and to build greater relationships with my peers, friends, love, and family.
Magali Deschenes – Canada
Alexandra R. – Ecuador
The coaching sessions with Ana allowed me to acquire very practical tools that give me the opportunity day after day to be present in my learning process, make me aware about my reactions and my ability to decide. I consider it to be an efficient process, focused on results that demands personal commitment without generating a dependency on the coach.”
Alexandra R. – Ecuador
Catalina Gómez – Spain
Ana helps me discover many options and see clearly that each one of them would teach me something. Anything I chose would be as perfect as the alternatives. Thanks to Ana’s help I learn to listen to my inner self and connect with my purpose in order to flow with the universe.
Catalina Gómez – Spain
S.G – U.S.A
Ana is gentle and her compassion comes across in her coaching sessions. She is a good coach for me because she always shares truths that lift me up. Speaking with her on a weekly basis brought more light into my life, more knowledge to transcend my current conditions and more desire and determination to transcend my ego and its limitations”.
S.G – U.S.A
Ximena Peña – Chile
Through the coaching sessions with Ana I’ve become more aware of my thoughts and actions, today I am more detached from my ego and beliefs, today I can transform situations positively, and today I understand that everything that happens in my life makes me a stronger and wiser person.
Ximena Peña – Chile
C. S – Colombia
Ana, I admire you a lot. Your ability to transmit peace in minutes is incredible, as well as your ease in identifying ego and recognizing it is not who we are but, rather, that there is Love within us that allows us to live life in a different way.
Thank you! It was a very difficult moment in my life and you were an invaluable support”
C. S – Colombia
Ana María Corrales – Colombia
Ana has an extraordinary ability to read and empathize with others, creating a bond that allows challenges in our evolutionary process to look like diamonds. She finds a very simple and easy way for the mind and spirit, to make interpretations that definitely lead you to understand the greatest and most beautiful truths. In my particular experience, she instilled resources in my mind that were like flashes of light”.
Ana María Corrales
M.I. – USA
You are an extraordinary person. Every day I remember your words and lectures you give me through my process. I apply them by conviction and not because you tell me to do so. You have a divine gift to make me understand what I’m ready to understand and put into practice. The advice you give me has always been wonderful. You make that when we finished the session I want to go out and shout how happy I am. You make me feel unique and special. Thank you so much.
M.I. - USA
O.C. – Spain
You are a love Ana! Working on acceptance with you has marked a before and after in my day to day, thank you. The inner change has been authentic, from a space of comprehension and love. THANKS”
O.C. - Spain
Paola Graziani – Canada
Ana is truly an authentic and inspiring coach. I feel she understands me and is an excellent guide on this journey towards discovering how my ego behaviours are preventing me from achieving my life’s purpose. Her mastery of the laws of the Universe allowed her to see where I was not in flow and to slowly and patiently guide me to the path of enlightenment. If you are baffled about why you are not achieving your purpose or if the same negative patterns keep reappearing in your life, I strongly recommend working with Ana. It is a life-changing experience!
Paola Graziani – Canada