Love always recognizes the option of choice
Because everything in life has a purpose of Love
For us to be correspondent to people, situations, even civilizations, and worlds with a higher degree of satisfaction, peace, and happiness, involves breaking down all those old concepts and behavioral patterns that block the flow of total freedom towards these correspondences.
Seven master keys support us in the transcendence of all limitations of our inner world and open the door for us to manifest and be participants of an external world full of happiness, peace, and success.
Love is a decision that requires actions of comprehension. The invitation is to lay down the weapons of ego through renunciations, to be able to wield the tools of love. Once we train ourselves in the use of such tools, we won’t need to use weapons any more, and at that moment, and instead, we will be ready to BE peaceful living beings.
As long as there is a struggle to change reality and people, we are resisting to accept.
Accepting is to understand that the Father’s purpose is perfect and that everything that happens is neutral and necessary. By renouncing the attempt to change others, to try to interfere with their life experiences, to fight and to try to modify the perfect order of the universe and its necessary processes, we can more efficiently direct our action and our energy towards our inner work.
Take responsibility
As long as we blame facts, people, or even ourselves for our suffering, we are not taking responsibility that we are the ones who create the disharmony of our inner reality with our own interpretations of things.
Take responsibility: is to understand that we are the sole owners of our decisions and of our life experience. Refusing to blame something or someone for what happens to us, we take responsibility for our thoughts, feelings, emotions, the decision to be happy and to be ourselves in the face of external realities, which are neutral in themselves.
Take Action
As long as we react automatically, from our animal instinct, to flee or defend ourselves, there will be no space to respond from the mental clarity that determines the action of wisdom: giving the best of oneself anywhere and in front of any person.
Always Act Calmly: is to understand that by renouncing to attack in thought, word, and action something or someone, we will have total capacity to freely establish commitments and make agreements based on firmness, loyalty, and trust. Doing, with total efficiency and serenity, before any circumstance that is presented, is the key to having.
Be Grateful
As long as we suffer from the apparent problems, we distance ourselves from appreciating the opportunities for learning that the neutrality of every situation gives us.
Being Grateful: is to understand that renouncing to suffer before the difficulties, we can recognize that everything, without exception, has a deep purpose of love to be able to recognize the law and to free us of the limitations, the dependencies and the suffering. Thanking all that life presents us and all difficult and painful situations, we develop our capacity to learn from them and do our spiritual development.
While we complain, we are not enjoying what the present offers us.
To Value: it is to understand that renouncing the complaint, we become abundant beings because who values, gives good use and intensely enjoys what he/she has, recognizing that there is always there what is necessary to be happy. Valuing, we develop the capacity to enjoy new things, new experiences, and new relationships. Those who do not value what they have been on the way to losing what they need.
As we unleash criticism and judgment, we are failing to recognize that everyone has the right to decide their own behaviors, beliefs, ideas, customs, and their learning pace.
To respect: is to understand that renouncing criticism and interference, we are valuing that everyone does the best he/she can do from the information he/she has. Everyone has the right to make their own decisions even when they are wrong; no one makes mistakes with intent because an error is an inevitable part of the evolution process, and it is only up to us to provide necessary information when it is requested.
As long as we wait for others to behave differently or situations adjust to feeling better, we are depriving ourselves of learning to be flexible and of learning to adapt to other points of view to create a peaceful and harmonious coexistence with all beings in the universe.
To adapt: it is to understand that by renouncing to flee from the place and the situations that correspond us to live, we develop the capacity to relax our mind to accelerate our spiritual growth and to fulfill the necessary functions that allow achieving a life full of satisfaction