Nothing can evolve without being transformed
Principles to recognize the existence of the law of Evolution:
- Only experience allows comprehension of Truth
- Only opposites induce the development of consciousness
- Only corresponding transformation gives access to the next level
- We are only the result of ourselves
- We face only the situations that we have not understood
- Only the need for comprehension is the reason for a physical experience
- Only from imbalance, it is possible to recognize balance
It is impossible to violate or deviate from the law of evolution for this would be to avoid the learning that each of us comes to do. The law of evolution governs the totality of the pedagogical processes of the universe. We can avoid or deny learning only temporarily because sooner or later we will learn.
This is the reason why we cannot step out of this law. It is only possible to step out of inferior laws -laws of correspondence, harmony, and nature, in order to recognize that only by getting out of the law we may discover that it exists.
Once this is discovered, we decide to flow with it.
The law of evolution is the most confronting of all laws since it is the one that allows ignorance, deterioration of nature, destruction, wars, conflicts, in short everything that we call chaos. Thus through contrast is found the perfect order of the universe and it is possible to ascend to the superior triangle.
Both the innocent and the ignorant step out of the law. The first one for not having information, and the second for believing it has it.
1. Only experience allows comprehension of Truth
Truth cannot be taught.
The experience has to be lived and the truth discovered by each of us through life itself and the processes it entails.
What can be taught (only to whom decides to accept) are behaviors, tools, and methods to uncover the truth to facilitate the learning opportunity that life experience has made for each individual. Nevertheless, it is impossible to avoid the experience.
Experience is essential, inevitable and profitable. The suffering of others cannot be avoided. Feelings of “goodness” trying to avoid the suffering of others only interfere with the perfect teaching of the universe, making us collide against the law and correspond to very unsatisfying situations.
Avoiding feeling leads to blocking the capacity of perception that has been given to us. What really matters is not what we feel but what we do with what we feel.
2. Only opposites induce the development of consciousness
All that we know how to do is because it has been already learned; therefore it is easy and enjoyable.
Everything we have not learned is a challenge and comes with the possibility of suffering and pain while it is learned.
If there were no contrast it would be impossible to identify each of its components. It is impossible to recognize happiness without having experienced sadness and honesty without dishonesty.
It is impossible to recognize light without having been in the darkness and so on. Opposites can allow us to verify the two experiences, which leads us to consciously reach the neutral point or point of Love.
3. Only corresponding transformation gives access to the next level
To move from one level of consciousness to another, it is mandatory to have completed 100% of what one level teaches to be able to pass to the next level.
To achieve this it is necessary to take advantage of all the experiences that occur within the corresponding level. This implies an inner transformation.
The transformation process involves: learning to accept, love, and serve those at a lower level of consciousness and be prepared to learn from those in the next level.
Experience and human development are mental. The physical part is the support for the mental field.
The mind is filled up with a belief system -ego- corresponding to a need existing in consciousness.
To the extent that it creates a more open mind, the file of consciousness is increasingly developing.
Inner work consists of developing the ability to transform these belief systems into comprehension. By developing this skill, consciousness is further developed faster.
This transformation of the mental field through comprehension nourishes consciousness and allows ascension to a higher level.
The mental field is transformed with:
- New information
- Evaluation of results obtained at the level of:
A total absence of suffering. This is achieved through total acceptance of all people and events as they are.
Inner Peace:
To be upset and offended means to be dependent on what others do or don’t do to maintain an internal state of peace and balance – a state of not Being.
Capacity to serve:
Any limitation to serve, fight, or denial of providing a quality service, clearly shows the need to work on the mental field.
When handling the above (internal) indicators, external (human relationships, health, resources, and adaptability to the environment) begin to improve immediately.
If these results are not bringing satisfaction, it indicates that mental information is not adequate. Getting the desired results involves changing the mindset.
4. We are only the result of ourselves
Destiny is made up of the experiences that remain to be lived in order to fill the field of consciousness.
There is no one to blame for the experiences faced in life because we have built them ourselves.
In the same way, these experiences can be rebuilt to be more pleasant.
As a result of this comprehension, we can be sure that:
“Nothing and nobody harms or benefits us.” Each one of us has mathematically exactly that which corresponds to live, which brings with it the capacity to transcend it in case it does not generate full satisfaction.
5. We face only the situations that we have not comprehended
It is not possible for any being to evolve, learn and live on behalf of another being.
Through the personality, the need of the spirit is to experience what has not yet reached the level of comprehension, in order to expand the level of consciousness and, therefore, to be able to experience universal Love.
6. Only the need for comprehension is the reason for a physical experience
On the physical body (originated in genetic information) is installed the potential for the mind to collect, store and archive information. The information that is going to be recorded on the mental file is what we call the personality, which gives the behaviors of the individual vis-à-vis the environment.
Permanent consciousness is only developed through the experience of the personality.
The personality is a file 100% contaminable by the information that leads to ignorance or systems of beliefs.
By applying these beliefs externally in actions, behaviors, attitudes, etc., the results are pleasant or unpleasant.
When these beliefs are false, the results are observed through problems or conflicts in relationships, health, resources, and adaptability to the environment.
When these results get to the point of saturation, inevitably, we look for different information.
As we do this exercise of comparison and verification of results, the mind begins to make a change or transmutation.
This inner transformation is changing the structure of belief systems by another mental structure of comprehension or wisdom that is the same structure of consciousness, generating within the individual an extension of comprehension of Truth.
When we apply this comprehension through our behavior and development of relationships, the results change and experiences become pleasant.
Truth will always lead to internal and external joyful results.
This exercise of processing information in the field of mind through the physical experience is where the nutrient for consciousness is developed.
Consciousness is the comprehension of Truth.
In this way, consciousness is developed through the experiences of personality.
Because pain and suffering are undesirable and unpleasant for humans, they are compelling us to seek different ways to avoid or get out of them. To the extent that we are looking for ways to avoid pain and prevent suffering, we discover the laws that are comprehension in the mind. As we discover the laws and we stop stepping out of them, pain and suffering will begin to disappear. This is what we call transcendence.
It’s all part of the pedagogy of the universe for us, which is governed solely by the law of evolution.
7. Only from imbalance, it is possible to recognize the balance
Only when we experience imbalance we recognize the result of balance. We value health when we lose it, value things when they are not there, seek and value harmony when there is war, and so on. This is the need for evolution.
Nothing can evolve without being transformed.
*Teachings Gerardo Schmedling