To flow implies learning to Love and comprehending Love as the zero point, the highest frequency of comprehension of everything that exists and happens in the universe
We all come to life with a unique and personalized package. With the universal seal of free will, our intentions and actions will make the potential of this package palpable through the results we obtain along the path of life, revealing who I am, what I came for, and where I am going.
No matter where we are on the path, we all come with the highest universal purpose installed in our Being: to Learn to Love. It is important to emphasize the word “learn” because we learn precisely in the school where there is NO comprehension, but the existence of the right experiences to train and install comprehension and knowledge: wisdom.
Being and Doing
As we advance in our development of consciousness, we expand our abilities and capacities and also enrich our knowledge, but we also correspond to greater challenges, implying the development of a greater creative potential.
The collective scenario is the mirror that serves as a support to see how we are piloting our own evolutionary process but, nevertheless, it is important to keep in mind that the process of consciousness is totally unique and individual. Each man and woman perceives reality from their own rudder and at their own pace. Everyone has their own story, their own unique journey of consciousness, and the non-transferable experiences within this grand universal concert.
Free Will
Free will is sacred in the universe for it is what allows us to make mistakes. Making mistakes, first, gives us the opportunity to experience the results of the mistake, and second, the opportunity to correct the mistake so that with this we can train more subtle abilities of the Self, verify the results of our creations, expand our level of consciousness, and impact a higher range of beings with our intentions and manifestations.
In the very beginning of the journey, this process happens automatically. We are not conscious of our intentions but of the suffering that is generated. But as soon as suffering becomes saturation (the first recognition of the law), we are open to see differently. We become more aware of the energy we have at our disposal to manage and manifest. This is when we learn to recognize, and then “innerstand”, how to flow and create with the universal energy.
How to recognize my participation in this grand universal concert?
Learn to recognize your guides and to create your day-to-day life by following immutable principles of creation
“Nothing happens randomly.”
7 major laws create, organize and administer the universal order, and 14 basic principles (minor laws, also immutable) guide us to be more efficient with our unique and personal process of self-discovery, awakening consciousness and comprehension of flow.
To flow implies placing ourselves above the point of resistance in order to neutralize it and be more efficient in the ascension process, relieving or releasing the ancestral burdens or belief systems that come with us and that keep revolving around us automatically through habits and customs of the culture. To flow implies learning to transcend the ego, to stop succumbing to its temptations in order to lead from consciousness (development of comprehension).
To flow implies learning to Love, understanding Love as the zero point, the highest frequency of comprehension, reconciliation, and union with the divine creative source of all that exists and happens in the universe. And learning to Love implies deciding to voluntarily renounce to suffering because we have verified the result of duality, resistance, the need to fight, defend ourselves, and battle.
Making the decision to obey the universal order is like making a new covenant on a spiritual level. The Universal law is installed in each of us, for Love is the Universal purpose and the way. We have always been guided but we have not always been aware of the guidance. Experiencing and validating in the flesh the decisions and “necessary” experiences for the ego is part of the process of awakening to the world of consciousness, and BE willing to see life as it IS, not how we “believe” it is.
This new covenant is a sacred decision to make use of consciousness to direct the energy and resources we have available here and now, towards the zero point -the point of Love; it is a commitment to training ourselves to direct our decisions and actions from the authority of divine jurisdiction, always installed in our heart, THE UNIVERSAL LAW.
Minor Laws
The minor laws act eternally whether we notice them or not. The more we train ourselves to fine-tune our inner compass and align it with the purpose of Love that brought us here, the more clearly and magically these laws become evident before our eyes, and the more conscious, light and fluid the path back to the Divine Source.
Governed by the major laws, the minor laws allow us to recognize the codes of life in a very simple way, with the purpose of making the most of our daily experiences, rationalize the use of physical and mental energy and train us to trust in the perfect order and universal hierarchies that are always guiding and supporting our process of evolution.
It is not necessary to feed the belief system with this information because what the consciousness invites us to do is to free ourselves from beliefs intalled by the culture. The laws are neutral, eternal, and immutable. This means that application and verification is what allows us to validate the results of comprehension of Love in daily life: Neutrality, Flow, and Growth. Energy by nature flows, and you are an energy manager, so if you find blockages in your life, your intentions and actions are generating it unconsciously.
The Law of Warning:
Nothing happens in our lives that has not been previously foretold. Although at times we have difficulty seeing the “warnings”, life warns us of what we are not meant to experience. We can learn from life in a simple and pleasant manner, and even enjoy the learning if we forget about “free will” and devote ourselves to obeying the law of warning.
Disobeying the law will always be a cause of suffering.
The law of warning is designed to avoid futile suffering, and manifests in a very subtle way, through simple and apparently insignificant details that generally arise in sequences of three or more warnings.
For something to be classified as a warning there must be a blockage, that is, something that does not work, that does not flow in any way. However, when in spite of the difficulties we observe that things are moving forward, we will know that we can work in that direction. -
The Law of Opportunity:
Opportunity is always present; some people take advantage of it and are successful, while others battle against life and call failure “injustice or bad luck”.
There is always something dying and something being born.
Our intentions, actions, and evolutionary needs determine where we are on the path.
Just as the law of warning warns us to avoid suffering, the law of opportunity guides us to the opportunity that aligns with our path of learning and expanding Love. The essence of Love is the unconditionality. We confront the conditionality of the ego to recognize and train the unconditionality of Love. -
The Law of Two:
Life always has ready the answers to all your questions. Assume nothing because you came with the faculty to ask.
The law of two allows you to do in life the “Will of God”. This law manifests itself through a binary language (Yes-No) which is easily recognized, in what is allowed, as YES, and in what is blocked, as No because your intention, unknowingly goes against the law. This law only answers the question asked by means of ACTION.
“Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven”. To place oneself under the will of God is to ASK NOTHING and to be willing to obey the Law. Be committed to BE an instrument of Love and let what is right be manifested through me. In doing so, life opens up a wide range of options and we will know that any option will be in accordance with the law.
Value and use what you have and enjoy all that life gives you and you will be doing the will of God.
Deepen in the awareness of the intentions that lead you to take action and change the root intention when you encounter blockages. -
The Law of Three:
Whoever does not obey the law of life burns his energy to no avail. When in doubt, try at least 3 times to verify that it is not a lack of constancy, and a maximum of 7 times to verify the result of stubbornness.
There are no good or bad businesses, relationships, jobs, or situations, but only those that correspond to the learning needs of each one of us.
Learning to identify what does not correspond to us, saves us a lot of energy from suffering and resistance and makes us efficient in spiritual development because, in this way, we can make the most of the energy necessary to learn from what does correspond to us.
In Perseverance, the appropriate amount of energy is invested. Energy is consumed and there are results. There is effort, within the order of the Universe. Headway is made, even if it is slowly.
In stubbornness, more energy is invested than is produced. Energy is consumed but there are no results. There is a struggle (lack of understanding), pride (we must do whatever it takes), and ego (we must have our way). No progress is made or things begin to regress, so the situation stagnates. It does not flow, but we insist. -
The Law of Communicating Vessels:
Only the one who has can give, but the one who doesn’t have can only take (because he does not know better). Ignorance of the law does not exempt us from the result.
Mental balance depends on the amount of Vital Energy we handle. If we allow it, our own beliefs, feelings, and emotions can become the merchants that traffic with the maximum potential of our own vital energy. Any person, place, business, or situation that is vibrating at a low energy level is a potential “energy thief” because they are low energy negative points, which can absorb at any given moment the energy of anyone who has a higher amount of energy. The nutrient of the ego is suffering. -
The Law of Cause and Effect:
We receive the effect of everything we cause. There is no idle word, no thought without effect, no action without result. Whatever you do to others will be multiplied back to you. Whatever you do or wish for others, you do to yourself.
No one should be evaluated by their past mistakes, but by their present behaviors.
By Law of Correspondence (a major law), our words and actions have a direct correspondence with the way we think and a direct impact on our relationships, health, resources, and environment, therefore:
– Think the best of every circumstance and everything around you.
– Always wish the best to everyone, especially to those who represent challenges for you.
– Accept that every circumstance in life is an opportunity to learn.
– Offer your best always and everywhere.
– Maintain a pleasant and calm attitude.
– Enjoy everything you do.
– Value everything you have and everything that life offers you. -
The Law of Saturation:
Liberation begins where suffering ends. The law of saturation breaks the resistance to change, preventing the process of spiritual development from stopping.
We are guided to the sources of wisdom when the mind is saturated and we are ready to receive and act using new information. There is no rush or pressure for us to be willing to make an inner change.
By Law of Evolution (a major Law), when the saturation of unwanted results occurs, the process of maturation and readiness to change takes place. -
The Law of Generation:
Everything that happens in your life has been generated by yourself. Every moment you are building your future.
We cannot identify what is in our minds until we are confronted with the result that is generated.
As within so without. Making an inner change generates a change of correspondence.
Destiny (challenges resulting from not knowing) is built by fighting against what I am, what I have, and what I do.
Everything that a man or a woman, at the moment of death, has not comprehended or accepted, will be part of his or her next Destiny (experiences to learn).
No mentalism technique works unless one has learned what destiny teaches: to build Mission (knowing/wisdom).
Mission is built by learning to enjoy all that I am, all that I have, and all that I do.
The only way out is within. -
The Law of Compensation:
Every action or service generates a right that must be compensated. Every human or divine interaction is permanently and efficiently maintained by the law of compensation. Giving without receiving produces exhaustion of the sources of mutual well-being. To receive without giving produces poverty, incapacity to serve and commit, as well as a rupture of the harmonic link of sharing.
When every type of relationship is established from the harmonic balance between giving and receiving, healthy and mutual interests complement each other, and are maintained in time generating potential for expansion.
“Teach to fish instead of giving the fish”. -
The Law of Sharing:
“Ask and it shall be given to you”. Appropriate information allows for solving the totality of human problems.
When I Believe I Know, I am in a state of ignorance. When I Do Not Know, I am in a state of innocence. When I Know, I am in wisdom.
Teaching what I believe installs the program of destiny (error) in the human personality. Recognizing innocence allows for making the mental process efficient. Teaching what I know facilitates the development of the mission (wisdom) of others. I know that I know when I repeatedly obtain a voluntary and satisfactory result.
The law of Sharing allows us to recognize the results (efficiency or blockage) in the process of giving and receiving information:
– Giving information inopportunely (unsolicited, withheld, or in excess), leads to blockages or resistance.
– Giving information in a timely manner (requested, offering, or asking for permission) opens the harmonic channel of sharing.
– Giving information of ignorance (believe that I know) contributes to the installation of destiny (experiences to learn) and expansion of error.
– Giving information of wisdom (knowing that I know) is a service of Love because it allows us to transcend all limitations and reach formidable and harmonious results. -
The Law of Affinity:
All beings with affinity tend to gather in the same place. We attract what is complementary, affine, and compatible with our evolutionary process.
The fundamental tool to create affinity is the thought and the state of being that derives from it. -
The Law of Empty Spaces:
Every empty space tends to be filled with something new. Anything that leaves your life or your mind will be replaced by something new.
Put out of your mind everything that is unsatisfactory, so that something new can come into your life. Be wise in how you choose to fill your empty space. -
The Law of Choice:
The choice that pride does not allow you to make is the gateway to the kingdom of Love, Peace, and Happiness. The option of Love allows you to pass the tests that life presents because whatever you do with Love, works well. Love is invariable, stable, exempt from polarity, and of any limitation, being the highest capacity that the human being can develop.
The Law of Comprehension:
Life never repeats a situation that has already been comprehended. The circumstances of life are the school where Consciousness develops, and the comprehension that nourishes it is the result of wisely taking advantage of all that life offers us.
The only way to definitively overcome suffering, rancor, traumas, aggression, resentment, pain, and illness, is by comprehending what life experiences teach us.
The only way out is within. Observe your intentions, your actions, and your results: The Way of Love always Flows and expands your Creative Potential
Stepping out of ego involves: Making mistakes to recognize the existence of the law, Understanding how the law works, and Deciding to obey the law
Gerardo Schmedling